About Me

Welcome to Sean and Katie's Place

My name is Katie Hayes.  I'm a writer and artist living in Hillsborough, NC, and this is my personal blog.

 You could probably call it a mommy blog, although there is also a good bit in here about our crazy dog, THE CRICKET, our home improvement endeavors, our former life as hipster musicians, and my new professional projects.

You will probably like this blog if you enjoy reading about:

1. Being a Mom-- but not one that has her shit together, and also one that says "shit" a lot.
2. My dreamy, dreamy, husband and all of his associated facial hair.
3. Nerd stuff-- LOTR, Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc...
4. Edible landscaping, suburban homesteading, and the inconsiderate deer who love eating organic vegetables, but hate eating poison ivy.

I hope you enjoy your stay at Sean and Katie's Place, and visit again soon!

To read more about about the inspiration for starting seanandkatiesplace.blogspot.com, you can read the first post, here

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